Cookbook Reviews
The Laws of Cooking and How to Break Them is a cookbook designed to teach you a framework for creative cooking. And with laws like "The Law of Peanut Butter and Jelly" you know it's going to be both educational and FUN. Read on to see what you think of the other 10 laws (and how to break them).
SECRETS of the BEST CHEFS – recipes, techniques, and tricks from America’s greatest cooks follows Adam Roberts as he cooks his way across 11 states and 50 kitchens with some of the most accomplished professional and amateur chefs in the country on his mission to help you be a more confident home cook.
In The Green Kitchen – Techniques to Learn by Heart by Alice Waters and friends teaches that “all good cooks have in common: a set of basic techniques that are universal to all cuisines.” The book includes chapters on 27 basic techniques like making a pounded sauce – think pesto – and also has chapters on kitchen equipment and stocking a Green Pantry.
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